Friday, September 2, 2011

Save the Date: 01-02 OCT Webelos Woods

Who:  All first year Webelos Scouts
What:  Webelos Woods
When: 01-02 OCT 2011
Where:  Camp Rock Enon, Gore VA
Why:  Get a jump on being a Webelos Scout and beginning the change from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting.

More details:  Registration form Deadline is 16 SEP 2011, and 175 Scouts.

More information: Contact Bev Rumpf


Chip Chenery said...

My name is Chip Chenery and I'm the Webelos 1 Den Leader for Pack 53. I've been told that there is specific training for me to take (OWL - Outdoors Webelo Leadership) in order to go on a camping event like Webelos Woods. I can't find anything in the training materials for the Camp Rock Enon event on the 14th of October. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

Scoutsigns said...

This won't be an issue for Webelos Woods.

I will try to locate the next OWL (or equivalent) for you and report back.

Scoutsigns said...

OK, in our council, Webelos Den Leaders are encouraged to take IOLS, as we don't currently offer OWL.

Next session is 14-16 OCT at Camp Rock Enon: